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Digestive system

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is digestion?
The act of softening and changing food so the body can absorb it and use it for energy and growth.
After the stomach, what is the next stage of the digestive system?
Into the small intestine!
We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. True or false?
Are humans herbivores, omnivores or carnivores? Explain why.
Name three parts of our digestive system.
Any of: mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intenstine, anus, rectum, teeth.
What does saliva do?
Helps our food to go down the oesophagus
How long does it take for our chewed food to reach our stomach?
10 seconds
Give three ways of looking after your teeth.
Three of: brushing teeth twice a day, flossing teeth, drinking water, using toothpaste, visiting the dentist, eating the right foods, staying away from sugar!
Which part of the digestive system is this?
What is the name for the things in our body that have very specific jobs?
Humans have 8 types of teeth. True or false?
False! We have 3: canines, molars and incisors.
What kind of teeth do carnivores have?
Canines - they are suited to tearing meat.
True or false? The small intestine is where water is absorbed into the body.
False - it's the large intestine!
What does the stomach do with food?
It breaks the food down.
What is the name of the pipe that transports food into our stomach?
It's the oesophagus!
True or false? The digestive system starts with the oesophagus.
False - it's the mouth!