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Digestive system

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When is your test?
Why is exercise important?
to help food move through the body
What creates enzymes to help process food nutrients in the small intestines?
What type of organ is the stomach?
hollow organ
How does food move through the digestive tract?
muscles help it
The system of hollow organs joined by a tube from the mouth to the anus is the
digestive tract
What is the name of the solid matter that leaves the body?
After nutrients are absorbed, how are they delivered to the rest of the body?
the bloodstream
Where are the nutrients absorbed?
in the small intestines
What helps with the breakdown of large pieces of food?
digestive juices
What is the purpose of saliva?
to make food softer and easier to swallow
What happens when you see, smell, or think about a tasty food?
Saliva forms in the mouth
Where does digestion begin?
Why does the body need food?
to get nutrients and energy
The breakdown of food into small molecules is......
What are the functions of the digestive system?
digestion, absorption, and for energy
How long is the digestive system?
30 feet
What happened to food that cannot be used?
It leaves the body as waste
How long does digestion take?
6-8 hours
Where does food go after it is chewed and swallowed?