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Winter Sentence Fixers

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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do snowman come alive when no one is looking.
Do snowman come alive when no one is looking?
the wind blew snow inmy face.
The wind blew snow in my face.
My breath fogs up in the Cold
My breath fogs up in the cold.
I hope i don't slip onthe ice.
I hope I don't slip on the ice.
who wants to go for a sleigh ride
Who wants to go for a sleigh ride?
Winter begins on december 21st
Winter begins on December 21st.
snowball fights are fun?
Snowball fights are fun!
Does anyone reallylike fruitcake!
Does anyone really like fruitcake?
my snowman is Melting.
My snowman is melting.
Singing holiday songsis fun?
Singing holiday songs is fun!
What areyour favorite cookies.
What are your favorite cookies?
i want toys, video games, and a new bike for christmas!
I want toys, video games, and a new bike for Christmas!
what's your favorite Christmas movie.
What's your favorite Christmas movie?
My sisterate my whole Gingerbread house!
My sister ate my whole gingerbread house!
can wehave hot chocolate after dinner?
Can we have hot chocolate after dinner?
Is it almost holidays break.
Is it almost holiday break?
the snow falls every january in New York.
The snow falls every January in New York.