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30 Christmas Facts

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We all think of Father Christmas wearing a red suit, but what colour were his clothes originally?
What is Father Christmas called in Brazil?
Papai Noel
Tinsel was invented in Germany in 1610 and was originally made of what?
Real silver
What is supposed to be a symbol of love, laughter, and compassion at Christmas?
In which country was the world's most expensively decorated Christmas tree, displayed in 2020? (Valued at more than $11 million!)
In the United Arab Emirates at the Emerates Palace Hotel
What novel did Charles Dickens write at Christmas?
‘A Christmas Carol’
Which nationality spends their Christmas Eve eating at KFCs? It's such a popular tradition that customers have to book their seats 2 months in advance.
The Japanese
How many islands in the world are named ‘Christmas’?
Two. One is in the Pacific Ocean and the other in the Indian Ocean.
What were the earliest known Christmas tree decorations?
Fruit (mainly apples)
The ‘X’ in Xmas, which is often used today, comes from the first letter of the word for 'Christ' in which language?
From which country did the tradition of decorating Christmas trees originate?
The biggest Christmas gift in the world, The Statue of Liberty, was gifted to the US by which nation on Christmas Day in 1886?
The French
Which company was the first to use Santa Claus  for adverts during the winter season ?
Which festival was ‘Jingle Bells’ originally written for?
How many sets of LEGO are sold every second during the Christmas season? (You can be out by 5 either side.)
Nearly 28 sets per second
Which country donates the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square to the people of London every year?
Norway, in thanks for their assistance during World War II.
Which Christmas single is the best selling single of all time, with over 100 million sales worldwide?
“White Christmas” by Irving Berlin.
Which country is the poinsettia from?
What do the British wear on their heads while eating Christmas dinner?
Paper crowns (from their Christmas crackers.)
How long do Christmas trees usually grow before they are sold? (You can be out by 2 years either side.)
For about 15 years.
Which three colours are the traditional colours of Christmas in the UK and USA?
Green, red, and gold.
According to data analysed from Facebook posts,there are two peak times for couples to break up.  One is at the beginning of Spring and the other is __________ days before Christmas.   (You can be out by 2 days either side)
14 days  before Christmas.  
How many Christmas cards are sent in the U.S. alone each year? (You can be out by 1 million either side.)
More than 3 billion.
The Germans made the first artificial Christmas trees out of which animal's dyed feathers?
The goose.