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CM1 PARLE Christmas Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three things the Christmas tree is traditonally decorated with
lights, baubles, stars, angels, ornaments
By when should Christmas decorations come down, according to UK traditions? January 5th january 30th February 14th
January 5th
Where were Christmas stockings traditionally hung?
By the chimney
What fruit is usually placed in stockings?
Oranges or tangerines
The American states Georgia, Arizona, and Indiana all have towns named Santa Claus.
What ancient people started the tradition of exchanging gifts? The Greeks The Romans The Serbs
The Romans
In Estonia, it’s traditional for a family to take a sauna together on Christmas Eve.
The tradition of sending Christmas cards originated in the USA – True or False?
False. It was started in the U.K.
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree? Serbia Germany ENgland
What is traditionally eaten for Christmas dinner?
stuffed turkey, brussel sprouts, peas, figgy pudding
What is the name for the shortest day of the year?
Winter Solstice
Which one of Santa’s reindeer has the same name as the god of love?