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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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am/is/are going to
was/were going to
present perfect
past perfect
past simple
past perfect
present continuous
past continuous
present simple
past simple
Jenny said, ¨I live in a small house.¨
Jenny said (that) she lived in a small house.
Paul said, ¨That is so funny.¨
Paul said (that) that was so funny.
¨He can pay.¨Claire said.
Claire said (that) he could pay.
Mark said to us, ¨I have closed the door.¨
Mark told us (that) he had  closed the door.
Chris said to me, ¨You can leave.¨
Chris told me (that) I could leave.
Jason said, ¨It isn't easy.¨
Jason said (that) it wasn't easy.
Bill said, ¨They are going to sing.¨
Bill said (that) they were going to sing.
David said, ¨I will go to the party.¨
David said (that) he would go to the party.
¨I am running.¨Forest said.
Forest said (that) he was running.
Dan said, ¨He left.¨
Dan said (that) he had  left.
Amy said to her mom, ¨I love studying.¨
Amy told her mom (that) she loved studying.
James said to Bob, ¨I have read that book.¨
James told Bob (that) he had read that book.
Vicky said, ¨I will cook dinner.¨
Vicky said (that) she would cook dinner.
Dan said, ¨We are listening to music.¨
Dan said (that) they were listening to music.
¨It rained all day.¨Jack said.
Jack said (that) it had rained all day.
Anne said, ¨I'm working late.¨
Anne said (that) she was working late.
¨Patrick eats everything.¨ Sam said.
Sam said (that) Patrick ate everything.