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Reviewing the tenses

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pablo went to the doctor a week ago, he _______ under the weather
felt/was feeling
What tense do we use to express things that have happened in the past but may continue up to another action in the past?
Past perfect
My mum _____ just _____ me to buy some bread and I will eat some on the way home, as always!
has (just) sent
My sister _______ to the bank yesterday and forgot her wallet there!
What tense do we use to express something that has not happened yet?
future simple
Lilly's dog is sick, I think she ________ to go to the vet!
John ________ so hard for four years, he is going to do great at the Olympics!
has trained
What tense do we use when we want to express something that is happening in the moment?
Present continuous
I am __________ become a rescue worker, saving people is what I want to do.
going to
Martha is a great cook, she always ______ the best dishes!