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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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put them in order from 0% to 100% sometimes / hardly ever/ always / usually / often / never
never - hardly ever - sometimes - often - usually - always
write questions: Where ______________ drawing classes? I have them at a place in Westfield Avenue.
Where do you have your drawing classes?
write questions: What _______________________ ? I'm telling her about my new hobby - drawing cartoons.
What are you telling her about?
write questions: _________________________ in Italian? No, I usually write to her in English.
Do you usually write to her in Italian?
write questions: ___________________________ ? No, she never phones me.
Does she phone you?
(write questions) How often ___________ ? I write to her once a week.
How often do you write to her?
Charlie usually _____ happy at the weekend. but this weekend he _____ stressed (feel)
feels / is feeling
I ______ an email to my cousin right now. I never ______ letters to her. (write)
am writing / writes
My sister always _____ "Friends" on TV. Today she's ill, so she ______ it in bed. (watch)
watches / is watching
They ____ online at the moment, but they usually ______ on the phone. (chat)
are chatting / chat
They usually ______ about films and music, but they ______ about sport at the moment. (talk)
talk / are talking
She ____ jeans today. She usually ______ a skirt to work. (wear)
She's wearing jeans today. She usually wears a skirt to work.
(order the words) this / cartoons / We're / week / in art / drawing
We're drawing cartoons in art this week.
(order the words) year / you / play / Do / every / a / do ?
Do you do a play every year?
(order the words) at / wearing / not / moment/ my sunglasses/ the / I'm
I'm not wearing my sunglasses at the moment.
(order the words) don't / in / I / go / winter / swimming
I don't go swimming in winter.
(order the words) my friends / weekend / I / every / meet .
I meet my friends every weekend.
(order the words) twice / goes / guitar classes / a / My brother / week / to
My brother goes to guitar classes twice a week.