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Guess the Food

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It lives in the sea. You can catch it and eat with rice or chips. It's very healthy. Cats love to eat this food.
This food is made from milk. It's yellow and you can eat it with bread. Mice love it!
It's a drink. It's white. It comes from cows.
It's a very sweet dessert. You can eat it at your birthday party and blow the candles!
It's fast food and it's salty. It usually comes with a burger. It is made out of a potato.
Fries or Chips
This is a brown candy. Many people love to eat this sweet food. It's very sweet and tasty. What is it?
It's sweet and cold. It comes in different flavors like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry, and many other flavors.
It's fast food. It has bread, meat, lettuce, and cheese. Most people put toppings on it like ketchup, cheese, or mustard.
It's a big, green and red fruit that we eat in summer. It has  little black seeds inside. It's sweet and tasty.
This is drink. It comes from a sour food. The sour food is yellow. what is it?
It's a long, orange vegetable. Rabbits and horses love to eat this.
It's a fruit and it's a color. You can make juice from this fruit.
This fruit is big on the outside, and yellow inside. You can eat it and you can make juice.
You make this with two slices of bread and you can put cheese, meat or salad in it.
It's hot. You can eat or drink this from a bowl or from a cup. You can put vegetables or meat in it.
This drink is black. It is not sweet. Some people put milk and sugar in this hot drink.
You find this yellow fruit on trees. Monkeys really like them!