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What is the name of the villainous fashionista from 101 Dalmatians?
Cruella De Ville
Who said: "The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it" ?
Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness are all characters in which Disney film?
Inside Out
Who played the original Mary Poppins?
Julie Andrews
How many Muses are there in Hercules?
What is Flynn Rider's real name in Tangled?
Eugene Fitzherbert
What Disney film features the catchphrase 'Fish are friends not food'?
Finding Nemo
What type of animal is Dumbo?
Emperor Kuzco turns into what animal in The Emperor's New Groove?
What are the names of Hades minions in Hercules?
Pain and Panic
Who is the fashion designer in The Incredibles?
Edna Mode
Which Disney Princess sings "Once Upon a Dream"?
Sleeping Beauty
What is the name of Wendy's dog in Peter Pan?
What's the name of the Princess in Aladdin?
Who wrote the hit song 'You've Got A Friend In Me?'
Randy Newman
What is the name of the villain from The Little Mermaid?
In the Jungle Book, what type of animal is King Louis?
What is the address Dory has to remember in Finding Nemo?
42 Wallaby Way, Sydney
What type of creature is Disney sidekick Mushu?
Chinese Dragon
How many dwarfs does Snow White live with
What colour dress does Cinderella wear to the ball?
In Toy Story, what is the name of the child they belong to?
What colour is Rapunzel's hair at the end of the film?
Who plays the Genie in the 2019 live action adaptation of Aladdin?
Will Smith
Who voiced Maui in Moana?
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
In which US state is the Princess and the Frog set?
What is the name of the bear in the Jungle Book?
Which Disney film is features the hit song Let It Go?
What do Aladdin and Abu give the reluctant kids to eat in Aladdin?
How many brothers did the character Hans have in Frozen?
What was the name of Maleficient's pet raven, in Sleeping Beauty?
What had Cinderella left behind at the ball?
Glass shoe
In the movie 'Tangled', the character Flynn Rider's wanted dead or alive as per the most wanted poster because, he is a
In the Disney story the 'The Little Mermaid' which of the following is not Triton's daughter?
In Monsters Inc. what is Sulley's full name?
James P. Sullivan
Pedro Pascal stars as the lead character in which original Disney+ series?
The Mandalorian
How many Pirates of the Caribbean films have been released?
In The Princess Diaries, Mia Thermopolis is heir to the throne of which fictional European country?
Who is set to play Cruella de Vil in a 2021 live-action film about the 101 Dalmatians villain?
Emma Stone