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Christmas Phrasal Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The kids needed to ..... their room before opening the presents.
tidy up
tidy in
tidy out
tidy at
After our dinner, we had to ..... the table.
clean up
clean in
clean out
clean over
We .... to the Christmas movie.
tuned in
tuned out
tuned at
tuned on
We all sit around the tree and Mum ---- the Christmas presents
Gives out
Gives in
Gives over
Gives off
I really hope our family can ---- this Christmas
Get along
Get in
Get up
Get out
The children ---- really early because they were so excited
Woke up
Woke out
Woke in
Woke over
Everyone's really excited, we're really ----- to Christmas this year
Looking forward
Looking up
Looking down
Looking over
Our family loves to ---- to Christmas songs
Sing along
Sing up
Sing down
Sing with
At Christmas we all ---- at my Grandma's house
Meet up
Meet in
Meet over
Meet down
Kids, don't ---- too late, Santa is coming, you need to be asleep
Stay up
Stay in
Stay out
Stay down
Around Christmas I love to ---- in front of the TV and watch a Christmas movie
Curl up
Curl in
Curl over
Curl down
After Christmas we had to ---- the decorations
Take down
Take up
Take over
Take in
He ---- buying his presents until Christmas Eve, he regretted his decision
Put off
Put in
Put over
Put out
What are you going to ----- as for the Christmas party?
Dress up
Dress in
Dress over
Dress down
Let's ---- the presents
Wrap up
Wrap in
Wrap over
Wrap down
Santa will --- the chimney
Come down
Come up
Come in
Come over
Let's ---- the Christmas lights!
Turn on
Turn in
Turn off
Turn over
Let's ---- the Christmas decorations
Hang up
Hand in
Hang out
Hang over
It's time to ---- the Christmas Tree
Put up
Put on
Put in
Put over