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Winter Scenarios

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sara has been friends with Stacy for 2 years. At recess Stacy calls Sara a mean name. Sara then tells her that she never wants to be her friend again and pushes her. What could she have done instead?
Told her that it hurt her feelings.
Kicked her
Called her a mean name back
Told the teacher Stacy is a bully.
Luis is on his way to soccer league tryouts! He really wants to make the team. His hands are a little sweaty, and he has butterflies in his stomach. How is Luis feeling?
Your family member gives you a gift! You open it, but inside is a very ugly sweater. The receipt is in the box. What should you do?
Say thanks, & exchange the sweater later for something else
Say "that gift is terrible!"
Throw the gift in the trash
Say "I don't want this ugly thing"
Kevin's dad bought him a present! Kevin is very excited as he opens the box. Inside of the box is a video game that Kevin has wanted for a long time. How might Kevin be feeling?
Kayla and Piper are making cupcakes. First, they mix the ingredients together. Then, they pour the cupcake batter into the cupcake holders. What will they do next?
Put the cupcakes in the oven
Put the cupcakes in the garbage
Add ketchup and mustard to the cupcakes
Add salt and pepper to the cupcakes
Hamdine & Luc have been waiting in line for a very long time for a rollercoaster. Suddenly, it starts to rain! The ride attendant says, "Sorry everyone. This ride cannot run in the rain." How might Hamdine & Luc feel?
Piper is playing board games with her friends. She notices that one of her friends is cheating! How might this make Piper feel?
Luc is playing with some friends after school. One kid keeps copying everything that Luc says and does. How might Luc be feeling?
Frustrated or annoyed
Gabby and Briana are eating lunch. Gabby accidentally spills her yogurt on Briana's shirt! What should Gabby do?
Gabby should say sorry and try to help Briana clean up
Gabby should cry
Gabby should run away
Gabby should laugh at Briana
Andres and his friends are at the the ice skating rink. Everyone is excited, except for Andres. He has never ice skated before. He has heard that some kids can get hurt while ice skating. How might Andres be feeling?
Luc and his family are very excited! Luc is helping his family put their suitcases in the car. Next, they will drive to the airport. Where are they going?
On a vacation
To the dentist
To Miss Sabrina's house
They aren't going anywhere
John is at a party and having a great time! He gets to stay up late. Once it turns midnight, everyone at the party cheers. What holiday is it?
New Year's
Valentine's Day
Gabby and Dom are on vacation! They are playing in the snow. What might they be wearing?
Bathing suits
Tyler got into his pajamas, brushed his teeth, and set his alarm clock for the morning. Then he turned out the light and got into bed. What did Tyler do next?
He went to sleep
He went to the park
He put on his fanciest clothes
He sang a song