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Identifying the Problem

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ken was going for a walk. He stepped on something and his show got stuck on the sidewalk. What's the problem?
He stepped in gum.
Jenna put her headphones on to listen to music. No sound came out. What's the problem?
Her headphones are broken.
Ted wants to take his dog for a walk, but the dog only has a collar. What's the problem?
He needs a leash.
Lisa drove to a friend's house. While she was there, she lost one of her contact lenses. What's the problem?
She can't see out of one eye.
Tony took the stopper out of the sink, but the water didn't run out. What's the problem?
The sink is clogged up.
Stephen put his key in the front door lock, but the key wouldn't turn. What's the problem?
His key doesn't work and he can't get inside.
A friend gave you a pair of shoes that hurt when you put them on. What's the problem?
The shoes don't fit.
Jeremy hit the baseball with his new bat in his backyard. Suddenly, he heard a crash and someone shouting. What's the problem?
He broke someone's window.
Jack wrote on the last page of his notebook. What's the problem?
He doesn't have any more pages and needs a new notebook.
Leah went to catch the bus after school, but there was no one there. What's the problem?
The bus left without her.
You tried on some tight jeans at the store. When you leaned over, you heard a strange sound. What's the problem?
The pants ripped.
Michael turned on the TV. He could only hear talking, but couldn't see the picture. What's the problem?
The TV is broken.
While Kathy was taking a test, her pencil broke. What's the problem?
She can't use her pencil.
Joe's ice cream was melted when he took it out of the freezer. What's the problem?
He can't eat it yet.
Stuart's jacket zipper wouldn't move up or down. What's the problem?
He can't zip up his jacket.
Mary wants to brush her teeth. She can only find the toothpaste. What's the problem?
She doesn't have a toothbrush.