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Context Clues Middle School

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The horse CANTERED across the field
To move quickly at a smooth gait
Even after my cut healed, I still had a BLEMISH
Mark, flaw
I have a lot of things on my AGENDA today, so I won't have much free time
List, plan, outline of things to be done
My friend knocked before she crossed the THRESHOLD into my room
Point of entering, beginning
The water slowly TRICKLED into my cup
Flow or fall in small drops
When the teacher let us vote, my class UNANIMOUSLY chose to watch a movie
Agreeing in opinion, design
My bright blue hair makes me look UNIQUE
Single in kind, unlike others
To make sure I'm listening, mom has me repeat her instructions VERBATIM
Word for word, exactly
My taste in books is very VERSATILE; I like to read lots of different types
Able to be adapted to many situations, changeable, inconsistent
When it is foggy outside, the VISIBILITY is much lower
Degree to which something can be seen
I skipped lunch so by dinner time, I was FAMISHED
Extremely hungry
The kids at my school show a BIAS in favor of playing football
Feeling, tendency, opinion
Cooper doesn't mind being late for appointments, but his dad is always PUNCTUAL
On time for an appointment or observation
Tara realized she'd made a mistake on her project, so she had to make an AMENDMENT
Alteration or addition
Trever got more and more AGITATED the longer he waited for the dentist to call his name
Nervous, troubled, unable to sit still
I don't usually dye my hair because I like to keep it NATURAL
As formed by nature, not artificial
You should always consider many FACTORS before making a decision
Elements contributing to a situation
Heather has won many awards due to her APTITUDE for painting
Natural skill
My brother goes BERSERK when he has too much candy
Out of control, raging
Even when you are are mad at someone and want to yell, you should try to remain CIVIL
Polite, calm
When I get in trouble, my parents CONFISCATE my computer
Take away
I figured out what the most popular video game is by gathering DATA from all my friends
Kyra's mom kept telling her to stop DAWDLING and finish getting ready for school or she'd be late
Moving slowly, wasting time
Ora looked sadly at the DEBRIS of the vase she'd broken
Scattered and broken pieces
Dylan always managed to EVADE his sister when she wanted help with her homework
Avoid, escape from
The FRAGRANCE of the flowers filled the room
Smell, scent
When Geordi saw how late it was, he HASTENED to get to work on time
The MELLOW music in the classroom relaxed Sari
Calm, smooth
Dell had a lot of MISGIVINGS about how we would do on the science test he hadn't studied for
Doubts, uncertainties
When Arya saw the OMINOUS man at the door, her friend's warning made sense
Creepy, spooky
Every room in Steven's apartment was PRISTINE because he cleaned nightly
Perfectly clean
Tia accidentally poked her finger with her sharp pencil, leaving a small PUNCTURE
Small hole, or to make a small hole
Cory and his brother went on a QUEST to find the perfect present for his mom
A search or trip to achieve a goal
Mrs. Pine was upset at the class for being rude to the substitute. She RANTED about it for a long time
Complained at length
The baseball game was a SHAM, the referee kept making bad calls
Fake, a scam
The mood was extremely SOMBER while Clay said goodbye to his friends before he moved
Sad and serious
During the rush on black friday, the entire store was in TURMOIL
Chaotic, confusing
Jarrod's dad is cutting up vegetables to make a WHOLESOME dinner for the family
Healthy or proper
Ally and Emmy climbed the KNOLL behind their house to go sledding
A small hill or mound
When my sister is on the phone, I sometimes stand nearby and EAVESDROP on her conversation
Listen secretly
I am playing in another chess competition against my ADVERSARY, Lexis
One's opponent in a competition or dispute