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Xmas Maths Quiz 2021

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Santa s grotto is 48m in length and 31m in width. What is the area of the grotto?
It takes 150 decorations to decorate a tree. How many decorations would you need for 200 trees?
Tevin has a horrible accident whilst sledging and has to visit the doctors. The surgery is five miles away. How long will it take to arrive if his mum drives at 30 miles per hour?
7. Kerry loves Brussel sprouts. Every year she eats twice as many as she did the year before. On the first year she ate 3. How many did she eat on the fifth year?
Santa packs selection boxes in cases that are shaped like right angled triangles. Each container covers an area of 60cm2 If he lays 10 of the containers flat, what is area they will cover in M2?
5. A circular ice rink has a radius of 20m. If it takes tom 3 seconds to skate from the edge to the centre, how long does it take for him to travel the whole diameter if he continues at the same speed?
4. 8 children receive 113 presents in total to share. How many does each child get and how many are left over?
14 and 1 left over
3. A supplier manufactures 312 tree ornaments an hour. How many does it manufacture in 4 hours?
2. Hansel travels 1432m on his sleigh. Gretel travels 2328m on hers. Who travelled furthest and by how far?
Gretel by 896
Santa has to deliver presents to ten children at the children s hospital on Christmas day. He has two minutes to get the job done.
Miss Marchant counted 28 chocolates on her Christmas tree on Christmas eve. When she woke up she found that ¼ of them had gone! How many were left on the tree?
At Christmas dinner a Christmas pudding is served equally between a family of 7. What fraction of the pudding does each person receive?
Father Christmas decides to put up a new fence around the perimeter of his reindeers field. The fence is 2 miles long and 3 miles wide. What is the length of the whole fence?
On Christmas day a little boy gets 20 presents from Santa. His mum lets him open one quarter before his breakfast. How many presents does he open before breakfast?
In Tescos, big turkeys are on sale for £18 each. On Christmas eve there is a turkey sale and there is 50% off the price. How much does each turkey cost on Christmas eve?
Santa visits a house where 48 carrots have been left on the doorstep for his reindeer. There are 12 reindeer, so how many carrots will each reindeer get?
On Christmas day my mum makes 160 little sausages wrapped in bacon. I eat 3 quarters of them, how many do I eat?
On Christmas day, a little girl finds a small cuboid shaped present under the tree. It is 6cm long, 3cm wide and 3cm high. What is the volume of her present?
54cm (cubed) remember the little 3
Santa has 200 elves working for him in his toy factory. 20% of them call in sick on Christmas eve. What is the number of elves that are sick?
Rudolph’s stable is 10m wide and 12m long. What is the area of his stable?
120m (squared) * remember the small 2