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AP Psych Review

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John B. Watson believed that _____ should be the focus of psychology.
Observable behavior
Watson and Rayner taught “Little Albert” to fear white rats by:
repeatedly pairing a loud noise with the presentation of a white rat.
Whenever Aiden opens his refrigerator to get something to eat, he also gives his dog some food. Now, when Aiden opens the refrigerator door his dog begins to drool. This best illustrates:
classical conditioning
Your 7-month-old niece is just learning to crawl. Your sister has agreed to have her participate in an experiment that incorporates a visual cliff. What is most likely being studied in this experiment?
depth perception
In the eye, the colored ring of muscle tissue that controls the pupil's size is called the:
The adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters is called the:
The term _____ means “mind manifesting” and refers to a class of drugs that create profound perceptual distortions, alter mood, and affect thinking.
_____ is a type of amphetamine that can be easily manufactured, provides an intense high, and causes a reduction in the brain's dopamine transporters and receptors.
When Lana and her friends went on a 3-day hiking trip, they neglected to bring coffee. During the evening of the first day Lana experienced fatigue and a headache. She was experiencing the symptoms of _____ from the caffeine in the coffee.
Bright light affects our feelings of sleepiness by increasing or decreasing the production of:
The distinction between manifest content and latent content is central to ______________ theory of dreams.
Freudʻs wish-fulfillment theory
Sleep spindles (rapid bursts of brain activity) occur in which stage of sleep?
Nick tends to feel sleepy around 10 P.M. every evening and wakes up at 6 AM. every morning without an alarm clock. That is because his _____ controls his sleep/wake cycle.
circadian rhythm
Magicians exploit a phenomenon known as _____, which occurs when we fail to notice something in our clear field of view because our limited attentional resources are directed toward another task or object in the environment.
inattentional blindness
Drivers are slower to detect traffic signals if they are also conversing on a cell phone. This best illustrates the impact of:
selective attention
While you are reading your textbook, you are aware of your thoughts, sensations, memories, and physical location. Collectively, this awareness is referred to as:
Following massive damage to his frontal lobes, _______ was most strikingly debilitated by antisocial and aggressive behavior
Phineas Gage
Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is most directly involved in vision?
the occipital lobe
Dr. Hauser is a neurosurgeon who works with patients who have major epileptic seizures. What part of the brain might Dr. Hauser sever to help reduce his patients' seizures?
the corpus callosum
The brain's oldest and innermost REGION, the one responsible for autonomic survival functions, is the:
brain stem (consists of medulla, pons, reticular formation)
Dr. Barillas is conducting a study in which she is destroying tiny clusters of a rat's brain to see what type of function and behavior is affected. The technique she uses is called:
The ____________ is responsible for a person's heart beating and for the person to be able to breathe.
In his research on the limbic system, Dr. Harrington electrically stimulates the ____________ of cats and then measures their rage and fear reactions.
If a researcher electrically stimulates the ______________ in a sleeping animal, the animal will immediately wake up and be alert.
reticular formation
The limbic system structure that regulates hunger is called the:
The process of _____________ occurs when the sending neuron normally reabsorbs excess neurotransmitter molecules.
Multiple sclerosis is a disease that is most directly associated with the degeneration of which part of the neuron
Myelin sheath
Natural, opiate-like neurotransmitters linked to pain control are called:
The neurons that carry outgoing information from the brain and spinal cord to the body's muscles, organs and tissues are the:
Motor neurons
In the early 1800's Franz Gall proposed his theory of phrenology, which is the study of:
bumps on the skull that could reveal a person's mental abilities and character traits.
If you choose a population sample that gives each person an equal chance of participating, this would be a __________ sample.
Describe a case study that you learned about this semester. Describe the significance
Answers may vary (Phineas Gage, SM, Genie)
This type of technique looks at many cases in less depth, asking people to report their behavior or opinions.
To determine if a finding from one study can be applied to other populations, it is necessary for researchers to _____________ variables,
Operationally define
Seeing faces in a puddle of water, perceiving that answers on a true-false exam have an order, or hearing hidden messages in music are examples of our tendency to perceive ____, which is an error in thinking.
order in random events
Jamie and Robin were sure that they had answered most of their exam questions correctly because “the questions required only common sense.” However, they each scored less than 60 percent on the exam. This best illustrates:
According to your psychology textbook, if hindsight bias and overconfidence often lead us to overestimate our intuition, what can help us sift reality from illusions?
Scientific method
After the events of 9/11, your friend suggested that the CIA and FBI should have foreseen the likelihood of this form of terrorism. According to her, all the clues were there. This perception most clearly illustrates:
Hindsight bias
According to the SQ3R method, to survey a chapter means to:
Acceptable: read only the headings and study the organization of the chapter. (something like that)
In December of 1879, he created the very first psychology laboratory in Germany.
Wilhelm Wundt
A focus on how we encode, process, store, and retrieve information is most relevant to the ____________ perspective.
Which perspective would be most relevant to understanding the role of spaced practice on long-term memory of information?
Dr. Stevens provides psychotherapy to people who suffer from excessive anxiety. Dr. Stevens is most likely a ______________ psychologist.
You begin seeing a therapist to cope with a number of stressful life events. The therapist does not focus on your childhood, but rather emphasizes the importance of your need for love and acceptance. Which perspective is she using?
Humanistic perspective
Inherited traits that increase the likelihood of reproduction and survival will most likely be passed on to the generations that follow. This principle is known as:
Natural selection
A sleep disorder characterized by sleep attacks is called