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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a negative.
The secretary doesn't write...
Make a negative.
I don't kick...
Make a negative.
Mat and Pat don't ride...
Make a negative.
Vicky doesn't rake....
Make a negative.
Martina doesn't do....
Make a negative.
The children don't ride....
Make a negative.
Troy and Gabi don't listen....
Make a negative.
You don't sing....
Make a negative.
Danny doesn't take a letter....
Make a question.
Do they hide their little sister...?
Make a question.
Do I get lots of presents...?
Make a negative.
Katie doesn't blow eleven candles on her birthday cake.
Make a question.
Do we read lots of book?
Make a question.
Does Karinka take a long bath?
Make a question.
Do we catch a ball on the court?
Make a question.
Do you and I find information about the crime?
Make a question.
Does your parent drive you to school?
Make a question.
Do Tom and Steve send text messages?
Make a question.
Do you eat a sandwich for breakfast?
Make a question.
Does she lie on the bed?
Make a positive sentence.
Granny makes a cake in the kitchen.
Make a positive sentence.
He lifts weights at the gym.
Make a positive sentence.
They run a marathon in the centre.
Make a positive sentence.
I eat ice cream in the park.
Make a positive sentence.
Peter and Josh watch TV in the living room.
Make a positive sentence.
My family recycle(s) rubbish
Make a positive sentence.
They drink lemonade at the cafe.
Make a positive sentence.
Tina leaves school very fast.
Make a positive sentence.
She buys clothes at the boutique.
Make a positive sentence.
You dance tango at the disco.