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Complete the sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They're ___ ___
They're high shoes.
They're short shoes.
They're dirty shoes.
They're little shoes.
These are ___ ___
These are healthy food.
These are bad food.
These are strong food.
These are small food.
There's a ___ ___
There's a lazy pig.
There's a hot pig.
There's a hungry pig.
There's a thirsty pig.
There's a ___ ___
There's a dirty ball.
There's a black ball.
There's a clean ball.
There's a soft ball.
There's a ___ ___
There's a clean house.
There's a dirty house.
There's a white house.
There's a tall house.
They're ___ ___
They're poor children.
They're rich children.
They're clean children.
They're big children.
It's a ___ ___
It's a small motorbike.
It's a little bicycle.
It's a blue bike.
It's a huge motorbike.
He's a ___ ___
He's a strong man.
He's a weak man.
He's a fat man.
He's an intelligent man.
It's a ___ ___
It's a fat penguin.
It's a skinny penguin.
It's a little penguin.
It's a young penguin.
She's a ___ ___
She's a skinny girl.
She's a fat girl.
She's a strong girl.
She's a short girl.
It's an ___ ___
It's an intelligent dog.
It's an ungly dog.
It's an old dog.
It's an angry dog.
It's a ___ ___
It's a huge plane.
It's a small plane.
It's a high plane.
It's a short plane.
The camels have ___ ___
The camels have long legs.
The camels have short legs.
The camels have tall legs.
The camels have small legs.
It's a ___ ___
It's a rich sheep.
It's a poor sheep.
It's a tall sheep.
It's a small sheep.
She's a ___ ___
She's a pretty girl.
She's an ugly girl.
She's a rich girl.
She's a poor gilr.
He's a ___ ___
He's a handsome boy.
He's an ugly boy.
He's an old boy.
He's a handsome man.