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6. What happened after Big Brother?
A. They tried to be themselves again (Paragraph 10 line 6) "whatever Big Brother tried to do, the housemates would always want to remain themselves"
5. Why was James angry?
C. He wanted to be himself (Paragraph 10 line 3) "he had tried to hold on to his individuality and had got angry when Big Brother had taken that away"
4. Why is it difficult for teenagers to do without their personal possessions?
C. They can't show others what they are really like (Paragraph 8 line 6) "Big Brother had stripped the housemates of their identities
3. What did they learn in the Big Brother house?
D. They decided to get on with each other (Paragraph 5 line 4) "They learned to live as a group and make decisions together"
2. Why did Hassan like Caroline?
D. Because she was positive (Paragraph 3 line 2) "Caroline was very confident and positive about their new home and this immediately attracted Hassan to her"
1. How were the contestants in in Teen Big Brother similar?
B. They were all about the same age (Paragraph 2 line 4) - "had just one thing in common - their age."