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What did you do this weekend?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is one thing you wish you did this weekend?
I wish...
Did you watch any videos on Youtube this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I watched...
Did you do any craft/building this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I made...
Did you do any cooking/baking this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I made...
Did you play any games this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I played...
What was your best meal this weekend?
The best meal I ate this weekend was...
Did you study this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I studied...
What is your favourite memory from this weekend?
My favourite memory is...
Did you read any books this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I read...
Did you play any sport this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I played...
Did you play with your friends this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I played with (your friends name). We did...
Did you watch any TV Shows this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I watched...
Did you watch any movies this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I watched...
Did you visit anywhere this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I visited...
Did you go shopping this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I bought...
Tell me ONE thing you did on the weekend that made you feel happy.
One thing that made me happy was...
What is one place you went to this weekend?
I went...
Did you sleep in late over the weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I slept in until...
Did you listen to any music this weekend?
No, I didn't. Yes, I listened to...