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A to Z Christmas Words

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Think of words that start with the letter: Y
Yule Log, Yuletide...
Think of words that start with the letter: X
Think of words that start with the letter: W
White, Winter, Wonderland, Wreath, Wrapping Paper, Workshop, Wish...
Think of words that start with the letter: V
Vacation, Vixen...
Think of words that start with the letter: U
Think of words that start with the letter: T
Tinsel, Toys, Tree, Tradition, Turkey, Trimming...
Think of words that start with the letter: S
Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Secret, Scrooge, Sleigh Bells, Snow, Snowman, Star, Stocking, Sweater, Sugarplum...
Think of words that start with the letter: R
Red, Reindeer, Rudolph, Ribbon, Receive...
Think of words that start with the letter: P
Peppermint, Poinsettia, Prancer, Presents, Party, Package, Parade...
Think of words that start with the letter: O
Ornaments, Opening Presents...
Think of words that start with the letter: N
Naughty, Nice, Noel, North Pole, Nutcracker, Nativity...
Think of words that start with the letter: M
Mistletoe, Mittens, Merry Christmas, Magic, Music...
Think of words that start with the letter: L
Lights, Little Drummer Boy, Love, List...
Think of words that start with the letter: K
Kris Kringle, Kings...
Think of words that start with the letter: J
Jingle Bells, Jack Frost, Jesus, Joy, Jolly...
Think of words that start with the letter: I
Icicle, Ice Skating...
Think of words that start with the letter: H
Hot Chocolate, Holly, Holiday...
Think of words that start with the letter: G
Gift, Gingerbread, Greetings, Grinch...
Think of words that start with the letter: F
Festive, Feliz Navidad, Family, Faith, Fireplace, Frosty, Fruitcake...
Think of words that start with the letter: E
Elf, Evergreen...
Think of words that start with the letter: D
December, Decorations, Donner, Dancer...
Think of words that start with the letter: C
Candy Cane, Candle, Card, Chestnuts, Chimney, Christmas, Cupid, Comet...
Think of words that start with the letter: B
Baking, Bells, Bow, Blitzen, Boots, Box...
Think of words that start with the letter: A
Advent, Angel