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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ben's parents are divorced. (True or False)
Monica encourages Ross to give Ben boy-like toys. (True or False)
Joey is grateful for her friends advice and decides to have her as his agent from now on. (True or False)
In the last clip we see younger Ross: baking cookies, doing his make up, having a tea party.
Having a tea party.
How many parents does Ben have?
3 (two bological and his mom's girlfriend)
Where does Chandler run into his ex?
At a grocery store
Chandler's ex is
Good icecream is for the truly terminal cases (True or False)
Who helps Joey with his auditions? Estelle - Phoebe - Monica
When he was little, Ross used to dress up as Bea. True or False.
Ross forces Ben to play with: GI Joe- Iron man - a dinosaur
GI Joe
What was Chandler eating on the sofa? A doughnut, pizza, low fat ice-cream or nothing.
Low fat ice-cream
Who gives Chandler relationship advice?
Monica and Rachel
Ross and Monica are… a couple - siblings - strangers
Ross didn’t like that his son played with…
a Barbie.