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What do you say when...?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you say if you forget your homework?
I'm sorry I forgot my homework. Can I bring it tomorrow? I won't forget again.
What can you say when you are confused and don't understand something?
Can you explain that again please. I don't understand. I need help understanding that.
What can you say when friends are talking and won't let you talk and you feel like they are ignoring you?
Can I say something? I'd like to say something about that.
What can you say when someone gives you a present?
Thank you. You didn't have to get me anything. You are so thoughtful.
What do you say when someone is bragging?
Nice. Good job.
What do you say or do when someone is being a bully?
That's not very nice. Walk away.
What do you say or do when someone is sad?
I'm sorry you are sad. What can I do to help you? Give them a hug.
What do you say when someone is mad at you?
I'm sorry you are mad. It was an accident.
What do you say or do when someone is annoying you?
Please stop. I need a break. Can we talk later? Walk away