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Christmas Time

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What flower is celebrated at this famous parade in Pasadena, California?
the rose
Where is the biggest New Year's Eve celebration in the U.S.
Times Square in the U.S.
In the African-American culture, eating ___________ on New Year’s Day is considered lucky.
black-eyed peas
pecan pie
candied apples
At New Year's Eve parties, what is the tradition to do at midnight?
Give someone a kiss
What percentage of holiday purchases are returned?
Americans will spend over ________________ on December holidays this year.
$1 trillion
$50 billion
$700 billion
A big bird Americans often eat during the  Decemember holidays.
Who invented electric holiday  lights?
Thomas Edison
Benjamin Franklin
Elon Musk
Traditionally, kids leave out two snacks for Santa Claus. What are these two snacks?
Cookies and milk.
What vegetable is often used for a snowman's nose?
A carrot
What does Santa give to naughty kids?
A bag of coal
A bag of dirt
A bag of soap
What date is New Year's Eve?
December 31st
What form of transportation does Santa use to deliver presents?
A sleigh.
Where does Santa live?
The North Pole.
What are Santa's helpers called?