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Band Midterm Study 2019

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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TRUE OR FALSE: Every different instrument section in the band is much like different positions on a basketball, volleyball, or fütball team. They all work together to make a winning, successful TEAM.
What is the importance of watching a band director during a performance?
What is the importance of being able to read your music?
What would happen if everyone ignored dynamics and played at their own volume?
What would happen if everyone played their music in random keys?
What would happen if everyone determined their own tempo when playing together?
How could you verify if a measure is complete or not?
I would check the time signature. It will tell me how many beats there are and what note is one beat.
What information would you use to determine the number of beats in a measure?
I would look at the top number of the time signature. It will tell me how many beats are in a meaure.
What does this symbol represent?
the end of the piece of music or measure
What does a repeat symbol look like?
a double bar with two dots
What does the word fine mean?
What does D.C. al fine mean?
To go back to somewhere and then play to the end
What does the word transposition mean?
to change from one key to another
Which clef is this?
Which clef is this?
What does a sharp look like?
A hashtag
What does a flat symbol look like?
a little b
Put dynamics in order from softest to loudest.
pp, p, mp. mf, f, ff
When playing music, there are instances where some composers want the players to play louder or softer. To do this, composers use what?
What is this symbol called at the beginning of a piece of music?
key signature
What is used to determine what note gets the beat?
bottom number of time signature
What is used to determine the number of beats in a measure?
top number of the time signature
What does piano mean?
What does forte mean?
What word means to get softer gradually?
What word means to get louder gradually?
What kind of note is this and how many beats is it worth?
whole note (4 beats)
What kind of note is this and how many beats is it worth?
half note (2 beats)
What kind of note is this and how many beats is it worth?
quarter (one beat)
What kind of note is this and how many beats is it worth?
8th note (half of a beat)
What is the fraction called at the beginning of a piece of music?
time signature
How many lines are on a single staff?
What is the order or instruments from lowest pitched to highest?
Tuba, trombone-baritone, french horn, trumpets-clarinets, flute, piccolo
Who determines the tempo when you play a piece?
the conductor
Name at least 3 percussion instruments.
piano, bass drum, snare drum, cymbals, high hats, castanets, bongo, cowbell, triangle, glockenspiel, timbales, finger cymbals, hands, tambourine, sleigh bells
Name at least 3 woodwind instruments.
flute, piccolo, clarinet, saxophone, english horn, oboe
Name at least 3 brass instruments.
tuba, trombone, baritone (euphonium), trumpet, french horn
How long has music been around?