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What gift can you get?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What we know aboout Kristen: She is 13 years old . She loves animals, jewelry, and art.
Drum set
boxing gloves
What we know about Jimmy: Jimmy is 14 years old. He loves to play and watch baseball. Since he has many food allergies, and eats healthy, he loves to cook for himself.
Recipe book
Uno cards
What we know about Bailey: Bailey likes listening to music. Bailey really wants a cat but she’s allergic to them.
A Spotify subsciption
A cat
A phone
What we know about grandpa: He is in his seventies and has trouble walking. He teaches you a new card game whenever you see him. He doesn’t like technology
A deck of cards
A photo album
A new pair of shoes
A new iphone
What we know about uncle Phil: He is a teacher in the school. He eats out most of the time but loves to curl up with a book at night
A good book
Frying pan
Music cd
What we know about aunt Nina: She lives in Canada where winters are chilly. You don't know much about her except that she enjoys snow activities
A ski set
A book
A picture frame
Sun screen
What we know about cousin Ed: He just ran his first half marathon. He likes to eat healthy and seldom eats meat.
A pair of running shoes
Some ham
A dozen donuts
A picture frame
What we know about uncle John: He does not like watching TV. He would rather play a board game instead.
Monopoly game
A movie disc
A book
A pen
What we know about cousin Ella: She loves taking pictures but she is never in any of them. She does not enjoy dressing up and is most comfortable in jeans
Selfie stick
A new dress
Lip stick
A book
What we know about your doctor: He is always busy. You have seen a coffee mug on his desk. You have also seen a picture frame of his family on his desk
A coffee maker
A coffee mug
A picture frame
A board game
What we know about mom: She is always taking care of others. She cooks, cleans, drives the kids places and is tired at the end of the day
A gift certificate to a spa
A book to read
A new pan
A new vacuum
What we know about dad: He works very long hours. He even works on Saturday. The only break he gets is playing golf on Sundays
A new set of golf clubs
A book
A new shirt
A pair of headphones