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Guess What? Christmas Edition

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Guess what is red and white, has a tassle, and goes on Santa's head?
Santa's hat
Guess what you might hear on Christmas Eve, and is the sound Santa makes when he laughs?
ho ho ho
Guess what wears a special hat, is made of snow, and came to life one day?
Frosty the Snowman
Guess who comes around on a special night, wears a cap of red, and has a beard of white?
Santa (must be!)
Guess what comes in many shapes and colors and hangs from your tree?
Guess what is made of cookies, is shaped like a house, and has frosting and candies on it?
gingerbread house
Guess what brightens the tree, comes in different colors, and turns on and off?
Christmas lights
Guess what comes in different shapes, sometimes has frosting, and Santa likes them with milk?
Christmas cookies
Guess what comes out of the oven, smells delicious, and is shaped like a person?
Gingerbread cookie
Guess what is on top of your roof, is made of bricks, and lets Santa in the house?
Guess what hangs by a fireplace, is soft as a sock, and has small gifts inside?
a stocking
Guess what hides in your house every day during the Christmas season, watches you when you are sleeping, and sometimes gets into mischief?
elf on a shelf
Guess what is the place where elves work and Santa and the reindeer live?
North Pole
Guess what is round, hangs on the door, and has a bow?
a wreath
What's large, red, full of presents on Santa's sleigh?
santa's bag
Guess what comes in a box, has colorful paper on it, and a bow?
Guess what is small, wears a green or red hat, and lives at the north pole?
Guess what has points, and can be seen in the sky or on top of a tree?
Guess what is tall, green, and has needles?
Christmas tree
Guess what is shaped like a J, sweet, and striped?
candy cane
Guess what is metal, round and jingly?
Jingle bells
Guess what is green, mean, and has a very small heart?
The Grinch
Guess what has four hooves, has antlers, and a red nose?
Guess what is red, can fly, and is pulled by 8 animals?
Guess what is an animal, has antlers, lands on roofs?