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Truth or Dare

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell us who was your childhood crush?
Yes or No?
Count your worst failure on a date
Yes or No?
Say the name of five music bands in English in 15 seconds
Yes or No?
Tell us a joke in English
Yes or No?
Tell us about your greatest achievement in life
Yes or No?
If you could meet any person, alive or dead, who would it be and why?
Yes or No?
Tell us what is your most ambitious goal?
Yes or No?
Hum a familiar song and someone must guess it
Yes or No?
Spell your country's capital
Yes or No?
Count backwards from 20 to 0 only the odd numbers
Yes or No?
Sing a song in English
Yes or No?
Have you ever cheated on a test and got caught? Tell us the story
Yes or No?
Tell the class about your pets and how you got them
Yes or No?
Tell a funny story about yourself
Yes or No?
What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
Yes or No?
What are the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made and why?
Yes or No?
Tell everyone an embarrassing story about yourself
Yes or No?
When was the most inappropriate time you busted out in laughter?
Yes or No?
Tell to the other group two truths and a lie, and they have to guess which one the lie is
Yes or No?
Say the alphabet in 20 seconds
Yes or No?
Name 10 movies in English 
Yes or No?