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Sentence Scrambles

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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mother/ pizza/ today/ My/ is/for/ lunch/ making
My mother is making pizza for lunch today
Where are the apples I bought yesterday
omlette /I /morning /made/ an/ for/ breakfast/ this
I made an omlette for breakfast this morning
The black cat drank all the milk quickly
11:30 / lunch / at / have/today/I/meeting/a
I have lunch meeting at 11:30 today
you / get / do / up / What / weekends / on / time
What time do you get up on weekends
/breakfast/ Do/ ?/ your/ 8:00/everyday/ you/ have/ at/
Do you have breakfast at 8:00 everyday?
time / father / your / dog / the / walk / What / does
What time does your father walk the dog
/every/12:30 / Jed/ nap / at / a / takes /afternoon
Jed takes a nap at 12:30 every afternoon
from / and / . / I / are / My sister / the UK
My sister and I are from the UK.
/please/some / like / . / some/French fries / and/ We'd/coke/
We'd like some French fries and some coke please
/dinner/you / What / for/ eat / like / to / ? / would/today/
What would you like to eat for dinner today?
/all/at / they / have breakfast / Do / ? / six
Do they all have breakfast at six?
/cake/going / I'm / to /get/ bakery / the/to/ her/
I'm going to the bakery to get her cake
bus / the / Can / get / ? / to / library / they / by
Can they get to the library by bus?
bank / can / . / You / to / the / taxi / by / get
You can get to the bank by taxi.
get / ? / How / her/post / can / to / house/ she / the / office/from
How can she get to the post office from her house?
/when/does / Tina / What / ?/waiting/ / school / do / for/ after / mom/
What does Tina do after school when waiting for mom?
park / dog/ the / My / work./ walks / father / the / after / in
My father walks the dog in the park after work.
/while/after / They / their / snack/ eating/ homework / . / do / a/ school/
They do their homework after school while eating a snack
in/ favorite / ? / middle/ What / school/ subject / Judy's / is
What is Judy's favorite subject in middle school?
in/ sister / likes/ . /the / swimming / Tony's/winter
Tony's sister likes swimming in the winter