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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can’t believe they charged me so much for this tiny cake – it was such a ____________!
rip of
After losing my job, it's been hard to make ends meet. This generation is so ____________
This generation finds happiness from buying. They are so ___________________
What's your marital ___________
His clothes are dirty and he's unshaven. He looks so ________________
While I’m still recovering, I shouldn’t ________it otherwise I could have a relapse.
overdo it
A few years ago my brother was _____________. They _______ his wallet and phone.
robbed / stolen
More and more _______________are finding themselves in financial trouble because their pensions aren’t enough to live on. This _______population is becoming a real problem
senior citizens/ aging population
I'll take extra cash because I heard the restaurant is a little ____________
The meal was delicious - my ____________ to the chef.
People are giving him a lot of advice but at the ______________it is his decision alone.
end of the day
Living completely healthy and green is easier said _______ ________.
than done
I think the police should be more ___________ on people who steal to feed their family.
Sometimes I think it’s ok to ________the rules a bit especially if the rule isn’t logical
My husband often _______ ______after a heavy dinner. He says he's not sleeping but he is.
nods off
Have you ever ________ a lie?
Your kids go to Uplands, ___________________?
don't they?
You used to work in a bank, ______________?
didn't you?
He didn't get the vaccine and then got Covid. (3rd conditional)
If he had got the vaccine, he wouldn't have got Covid.
North Korea keeps saying they are going open discussion with South Korea but they say this every year…we won’t _________.
hold our breath.
Having family or friends stay with you can be mentally and physically __________
My T-shirt and hat stopped me from getting sunburnt. (Turn into 3rd conditional)
If I hadn't worn my T-shirt and hat, I would have got sunburn.
You can borrow the car if you buy your own petrol. (provided that)
Provided that you buy your own petrol, you can borrow the car.
If / not study/ fail exam
If you don't study, you'll fail the exam