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Kde oni majú štadión?
Where do they have the stadium?
Nebudeme hrať ich hru.
We won´t play their game.
On nepozná pravidla hry.
He doesn´t know the rules of the game.
Vieš hokejové pravidla?
Do you know hockey rules?
Kto je ich brankár?
Who is their goalie?
On nekorčuluje dobre.
He doesn´t skate well.
Na čo myslíš?
What are you thinking?
Čo si myslíš?
What do you think?
Pozri, oni hrajú férovú hru.
Look, they are playing fair play.
Dúfam, že zajtra vyhráme.
I hope we will win tomorrow.
Budeš hrať zajtra?
Will you play tomorrow?
Kapitán nosí písmeno "C" na svojom drese.
The captain wears the letter "C" on his jersey.
Korčuľovanie a streľba sú doležité hokejové zručnosti.
Ice skating and shooting are important hockey skills.
My nehráme špinavý hokej.
We don´t play dirty hockey.
Koľko hračov je vo vašom tíme?
How many players are in you team?
V tíme je 22 hračov.
There 22 players in the team.
Kde a kedy budeme mať to stretnutie?
Where and when will we have that meeting?
V pondelok budeme mať pracovné stretnutie s trénermi.
On Monday we will have a working meeting with coaches.
Zvyčajne chodím do práce autom, ale zajtra pôjdem autobusom.
I usually drive to school but tomorrow I will go by bus.
Teraz mám hodinu angličtiny.
I´m having an English lesson.
Moja manželka pracuje v nemocnici a synovia študujú.
My wife works in hospital and my sons are students.
Mám rodinu: manželku a dvoch synov.
I have a family: my wife and two sons.
Pracujem ako metódik v ľadovom hokeji.
I work as an ice hockey methodologist.
Bývam ďaleko od práce, preto chodím do práce autom.
I live far from work therefore I go to work by car.
Zvyčajne vstávam o 6. ráno, ale dnes vstávam neskôr.
I usually get up at 6 but today I´m getting up later.