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Pros and Cons

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell the PROS & CONS of being a vegetarian
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of being an Olympic athlete
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of not having homework
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of being President of your country
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of being a fire fighter
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of being famous
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of snowy weather
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of a power outage
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of waking up early
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of having a substitute teacher
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of not watching the TV for a week
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of a long summer holiday
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of going to bed late
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of living in a village
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of living in a city
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of having a twin
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of moving often
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of a long recess (breakfast break)
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of being bald
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of camping
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of reading one hour every day
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of being the tallest in class
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of having 10 puppies
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of living on an island
Good answer!
Tell the PROS & CONS of eating salad everyday
Good answer!