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* Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Landmarks

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a famous park in District 11 to cool off in the heat of Saigon summer
Dam Sen Park
main street of the so called 'backpackers area'
Bui Vien walking street
tallest skyscraper in HCMC
Landmark 81
maze of handicraft, souvenir, and clothing stalls
Ben Thanh Market
built in 1902–1908 in a French colonial style
People's Committee Building
built in 1897 by French architect Eugène Ferret
Saigon Municipal Opera House
major museum in HCMC
HCMC Museum of Fine Arts
publicly known as Reunification Palace
Independence Palace
central market of Cho Lon in District 6
Binh Tay Market
immense network of connecting tunnels near HCMC
Cu Chi Tunnels
oldest Buddhist temple in HCMC built in 1744
Giac Lam Pagoda
contains exhibits of the First Indochina and Vietnam War
War Remnants Museum
Taoist pagoda in District 1
Jade Emperor Pagoda
tallest building in Vietnam until January 2011
Bitexco Financial Tower
cathedral constructed between 1863 and 1880
Notre-Dame Cathedral (Basilica of Saigon)
grandest post office in all of Southeast Asia
Saigon Central Post Office