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[EN-VN] Food - Thức ăn

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What food is it?
It's yogurt! - /ˈjoʊgərt/ - sữa chua
What food is it?
It's a squid! - /skwɪd/ - con mực
What are these?
These are spring rolls! - /sprɪŋ/ /roʊlz/ - gỏi cuốn
What food is it?
It's soup! - /sup/ - súp
What food is it?
It's a shrimp! - /ʃrɪmp/ - tôm
What are these?
These are sausages! - /ˈsɔsɪʤɪz/ - xúc xích
What food is it?
It's a sandwich! - /ˈsændwɪʧ/ - bánh mì sandwich
What food is it?
It's a salad! - /ˈsæləd/ - rau trộn
What food is it?
It's rice! - /raɪs/ - cơm
What food is it?
It's meat! - /mit/ - thịt
What food is it?
It's popcorn! - /ˈpɑpˌkɔrn/ - bắp rang bơ
What food is it?
It's pizza! - /ˈpitsə/ - bánh pizza
What are these?
These are peanuts! - /ˈpinəts/ - đậu phộng
What food is it?
It's pasta! - /ˈpɑstə/ - mì ống/nui Ý
What food is it?
It's oil! - /ɔɪl/ - dầu ăn
What food is it?
It's octopus! - /ˈɑktəˌpʊs/ - bạch tuột
What are these?
These are noodles! - /ˈnudəlz/ - mì
What food is it?
It's a lobster! - /ˈlɑbstər/ - tôm hùm
What food is it?
It's jam! - /ʤæm/ - mứt
What food is it?
It's ice cream! - /aɪs/ /krim/ - kem
What food is it?
It's a hot dog! - /hɑt/ /dɔg/ - bánh mì kẹp xúc xích
What food is it?
It's honey! - /ˈhʌni/ - mật ong
What are these?
These are fries! - /fraɪz/ - khoai tây chiên
What food is it?
It's fish! - /fɪʃ/ - con cá
What are these?
These are eggs! - /ɛgz/ - trứng
What food is it?
It's a crab! - /kræb/ - con cua
What food is it?
It's a cotton candy! - /ˈkɑtən/ /ˈkændi/ - keo bông gòn
What are these?
They are cookies! - /ˈkʊkiz/ - bánh quy
What food is it?
It's chocolate! - /ˈʧɔklət/ - sô-cô-la
What food is it?
It's chicken! - /ˈʧɪkən/ - thịt gà
What food is it?
It's cheese! - /ʧiz/ - phô mai
What food is it?
It's cereal! - /ˈsɪriəl/ - ngũ cốc
What food is it?
It's a candy! - /keɪk/ - kẹo
What food is it?
It's a cake! - /keɪk/ - bánh kem
What food is it?
It's butter! - /ˈbʌtər/ - bơ
What food is it?
It's a hamburger! - /ˈhæmbərgər/ - bánh ham-bơ-gơ
What food is it?
It's bread! - /brɛd/ - bánh mì
What food is it?
It's a beefsteak! - /ˈbifˌsteɪk/ - bò bít-tết
What food is it?
It's bacon! - /ˈbeɪkən/ - thịt xông khói