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Giving Directions and Prepositions of Place

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is between the Library and Cafe?
The Cinema is between the Library and Cafe.
Where is the Bus Stop?
The Bus Stop is next to the Theater on Third Avenue.
Where is the Post Office?
The Post Office is next to the Restaurant on Third Avenue.
What street is the Bus Station on?
The Bus Station is on Pine Street.
Where is the Town Hall?
The Town Hall is across from the Library on Maple Street.
Where is the Hotel?
The hotel is next to the museum on Second Avenue.
Is there a traffic light at the corner of Station Road and Middle Road?
Yes, there is
Where is the florist?
Next to the bank on Station Road
What road is the school on?
Main Road
What color is the house at the corner of Station Road and East Street?
Is there a bus stop near the train station?
Yes, there is
Is there a bus stop on Middle Road?
No, there isn't
Is there a stop sign at the corner of West Street and Main Road?
Yes, there is
What is next to the Baker (Bakery)?
The Butcher
What road is the restaurant on?
Main Road
What is between the deli and the library?
The yellow house
What street is the train station on?
West Street
What is across from the fish shop?
Central Park
What is between the school and the deli?
The fruit shop
What is next to the bank on Davis Street?
The music store and the pay phone
What is next to the park?
The bus stop
What street is the movie theater on?
Davis Street
What is across from the bank on Maple Street?
The grocery store
What is next to the bookstore?
The Chinese Restaurant