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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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__________! There are many ways to reach your goals
Don't give up
_______ candies we eat, they never end
No matter how many
__________ time we spend practising, we don't get better
No matter how much
How do you usually show empathy to a close friend or a family member
What thing frustrate you the most?
you / of / having / mean, / amount / is / I / work / very / this / disturbing / know / what
I know what you mean, having this amount of work is very disturbing
this / anymore / just / I / can't / take
I just can't take this anymore
too / is / up! / game / this / give / I / difficult
I geve up! this game is too difficult
__________ the winer is, the important thing is to have fun
No matter who
__________ strong they are, they won't defeat us
No matter how
__________ 's the reazon for your late arrival, you can't enter after 10 AM
No matter what
__________ they talk to, the security guard won't allow them to pass
No matter who
_________ the studients do, they can't get a perfect grade in the exam
No matter what
_________ silent the night is, I can't sleep
No matter how