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Review A1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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talk about 3 changes you have experienced in the past year
(use different tenses and comparatives?)
talk about your plans for this year/next year
(use future plnas expressions?)
talk about food that you like/can't stand
I like..../I can't stand...
how hot/cold is your city?
it's about --- degrees
what do you suggest for a cold?
(use: it's a good idea/helpful/important TO...?)
Describe your city or hometown.
(use adverbs+adjectives+conjunction?)
ask your classmate a question about experiences
(use: have you ever...?)
Have you ever traveled by airplane?
(use present perfect+ simple past?)
What do you look like? mention 3 characteristics
(use physical description vocab?)
What does a flight attendant do?
(use simple present, third person conjugation?)
ask a classmate about their activities last weekend
(ask question in simple past?)
talk about 3 things you did this morning
(use simple past?)
describe 3 things about your neighborhood
(use thereis/there are?)
how well do you speak English?
(use:pretty well, about average, not so well?)
How good are you at cooking?
use: very good, ok, not so good)
How often do you travel out of the city?
(use frequency adverbs?)
talk about the members of your family
(use family vocab?)
ask your classmate about their music preferences
(use: what kind of...?)
What kind of movies do you like? why?
I like....
how much is a laptop computer in your country?
it's -------
what do you prefer, cars or bycicles? why?
(use comparatives?)
tell us 3 things about you
(use verb to be?)
Describe your routine in the afternoon on weekends
(use present simple?)