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Social Thinking Review Units 1-5

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are some 'hidden rules' when you are shopping at Wal-Mart?
Why is it important to use 'expected behaviors' when we are around other people in different social situations?
So that they will have good thoughts and feelings about us.
What is an 'unexpected behavior'?
Behavior that most people wouldn't do or shouldn't do in a certain situation.
What is an 'expected behavior'?
Behavior that most people do in a certain place or certain situation
True or False: 'Thinking with your eyes' can help you know how other people are feeling.
True or False: 'Thinking with your eyes' can help you know what to do when you're in a new situation.
True or False: 'Thinking with your eyes' can help you figure out the group plan.
True or False: 'Thinking with your eyes' can help keep you safe.
How is 'thinking with your eyes' different from 'eye contact'?
Eye contact is to look someone in the eye/face to let let them know that they have your attention/that you're listening.
What does it mean to 'think with your eyes'?
We use our eyes and our brain power to look at a situation and the people in the situation to figure out the meaning of what we're seeing.
Do people have the same size feelings in response to the same situation?
What are some things we can do to figure out how others feel?
Look at the situation/hidden rules; look at facial expressions, body language, and listen to voice tone and volume; listen to the words people are using
Why is it important to let others know how I'm feeling?
It will help other people understand what I might need.
Why is it important to identify our own feelings?
How we feel can change the way we act. It helps us understand how other people feel too.
When my teacher says I need to put my phone away, what would be a stuck thinking response?
Keep it out, continue to play on it
When my teacher says I need to put my phone away, what would be a flexible thinking response?
Put my phone away
Flexible Thinking: If I say, "it's raining cats and dogs outside", what do I mean?
It's raining really hard.
What does it mean to be a 'stuck thinker'?
To think only or yourself and what you want
What does it mean to be a 'flexible thinker'?
To think about other people's thoughts and feelings
Can you use your 'social thinking' skills to figure out which people you don't want to spend time around?
True or False: Social Thinking skills are ALL learned in a classroom with a teacher.
When I use my social thinking sills to consider the thoughts and feelings of others, how will people feel about me? What kinds of thoughts will they have?
Give me an example of a situation when you should use 'social thinking'.
True or False: It is OK to make mistakes while we learn to become better social thinkers.
What does 'Social Thinking' mean?
It is the thinking our brain does about other people.