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Hanukkah Trivia

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What is a word that combines Christmas and Hanukkah?
Chrismukkah. (In late 19th-century Germany, the term "Weihnukka" appeared, combining Hanukkah with Weihnachten, the German word for Christmas.)
Which oil is traditionally used to light the menorah?
Olive oil is used.
When does the Jewish festival of Hanukkah begin?
The Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev, the ninth month of the Hebrew calendar.
Who was the first President to celebrate Hanukkah at the White House?
The first U.S. President to officially recognize Hanukkah in the White House was Jimmy Carter in 1979
What does Hanukkah mean?
The Hebrew word Hanukkah means "dedication".
Where is the largest Menorah in the world?
New York. It is 32 feet high and weighs 4,000 pounds.
How many different ways are there to spell Hanukkah?
In which direction do you light the menorah, once the candles have been placed?
Left to right.
How many lamps does the menorah have?
8 (the 9th is for lighting.)
When children play with the dreidel in Hanukkah, they also gamble! Of course, they don't use real money, but with what?
How many nights does Hanukkah last?
Hanukkah is often known as the festival of what?
How many players are needed to play a game of dreidel?
At least two.
The best part of Jewish holidays is often the food! To celebrate the "miracle of oil", fried potato pancakes are eaten in Hanukkah. What are these pancakes called?
Latkes. YUM!
Christmas is often associated with colors such as red and green, while Hanukkah is usually identified by what 2 colors?
Blue and white.
According to the English lyrics of 'The Dreidel Song' which children sing at Hanukkah, out of what material is a dreidel made?