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Let's Practice Tenses!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Oh no! Someone __________ (let) the dog into the living room and there are paw prints all over the sofa!
Oh no! Someone has let the dog into the living room and there are paw prints all over the sofa!
Where __________________ (you - be) ? We ______________(not - see) you for ages!
Where have you been? We haven't seen you for ages!
Felipe _______________ (not play) football for two months because of the quarantine.
Felipe hasn't played football for two months because of the quarantine.
He ______________ (live) in Belgrano since he __________ (be) 7 years old.
He has lived in Belgrano since he was 7 years old.
I _________________ (wash) the windows all day without any help! Two more and I can have a rest.
I've been washing the windows all day without any help! Two more and I can have a rest.
Yesterday, while I ______________ (finish) my homework, I ___________ (get) a WhatsApp message from my best friend inviting me to join an online game with him.
Yesterday, while I was finishing my homework, I got (get) a WhatsApp message from my best friend inviting me to join an online game with him.
What movie ________________ (you - watch) last night?
What movie did you watch last night?
I ________________ (study) for the whole afternoon, so I'm going to take a break now.
I have been studying for the whole afternoon, so I'm going to take a break now.
You _______________ (not eat) up yet.
You haven't eaten up yet.
How long _______________ (you - know) Lola?
How long have you known Lola?
She ____________ (call) me while I ________________ (watch) a film at the cinema, so I told her to call me back later.
She called me while I was watching a film at the cinema, so I told her to call me back later.
When he ___________ (be) ten years old, he really _____________ (enjoy) playing tennis
When he was ten, he really enjoyed playing tennis
They _________________ (run) ten kilometres so far.
They have run ten kilometres so far.
She _______________ (live) in Vicente Lopez for 3 years, and she absolutely loves it!
She has been living in Vicente Lopez for years, and she absolutely loves it!
Yesterday, I ___________ (eat) pizza for dinner.
Yesterday, I ate pizza for dinner.
How long ________________ (she wait) for us?
How long has she been waiting for us?
___________________ (you - ever - stay) in a castle?
Have you ever stayed in a castle?