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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fiona \ do more exercise (NEGATIVE)
Fiona is not going to do more exercise.
Martha \ watch less Tik Tok videos (NEGATIVE)
Martha is not going to watch less Tik Tok videos.
I \ watch less Netflix (NEGATIVE)
I am not going to watch less Netflix.
She \ quit smoking. (NEGATIVE)
She is not going to quit smoking.
I \ listen to music (NEGATIVE)
I am not going to listen to music.
You \ visit your grandparents (NEGATIVE)
You are not going to visit your grandparents.
I \ wash my hands (NEGATIVE)
I am not going to wash my hands.
They \ play football
They are going to play football.
George \ do his homework.
George is going to do his homework.
They \ dance in the rain.
They are going to dance in the rain.
The girls \ solve exercises
The girls are going to solve exercises.
Sarah \ wash the car.
Sarah is going to wash the car.
The little boy \ water the plants
The little boy is going to water the plants.
The boys \ play computer games
The boys are going to play computer games.
Sarah \ clean the windows
Sarah is going to clean the windows.
They \ watch TV.
They are going to watch TV.
Mother \ do the shopping.
Mother is going to do the shopping.
Mary \ mop the floor
Mary is going to mop the floor.
Father and Sam \ cook dinner
Father and Sam are going to cook dinner.
Tom \ go to the gym (NEGATIVE)
Tom is not going to go to the gym.