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Basic Question Practice: Who, What, Where

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the dog doing?
The dog is going down the stairs.
What are the dogs playing with?
The pigs are playing with toilet paper.
Who is the dog barking at?
The dog is barking at the mirror.
What is the cat doing?
The cat is playing computer games
Where is the plane?
The plane is on the runway/at the airport.
Where is the boy?
The boy is at the zoo.
Who is in the bath?
The boy and the cat are in the bathrub.
Who is shopping?
The gorilla is shopping.
Whose birthday is it?
It is the dog's birthday.
What is he doing?
He is shooting a basket/playing basketball.
What are the goats doing?
The goats are jumping.
What are the dogs doing?
The dogs are walking.
What is she doing?
She is doing laundry/washing clothes.
Where is the dog?
The dog is on the couch.
What is she cleaning?
She is cleaning the stairs.
What is he doing?
He is catching a ball.
What is the dog doing?
She is rolling over.
What is the man doing?
The man is working.
What are they riding?
They are riding the dad's back.
What is she doing?
She is riding a bike.
Where is the baby eating?
The baby is in the house/kitchen.
Who is eating?
The rabbit is eating.
Where are the kids?
The kids are at the beach.
What is she doing?
She is running/going to school.
Where are they?
They are in a classroom/school.
Who put the kids up there?
The man/dad
What are they doing?
They are swinging/sleeping.
Where is the boy?
The boy is at a playground/on a climber.
Who is pushing the kid?
A boy is pushing the kid.
Where is the cat?
The cat is in a bowl.
Where is she?
She is in a kitchen.
What is the dog doing?
The dog is barking on the phone.
Where is the dog?
The dog is in a car.
Where are they?
They are at a baseball stadium.
What is the girl doing?
The girl is ignoring Snow White/eating.
Where is the cat?
The cat is in someone's bed.