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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_________(Jack/lend) you his car if you _______ (ask) him?
Will Jack lend ; ask
If she _______ (go) to Australia, she ________ (spend) a day at the wombat sanctuary.
goes ; will spend
You _______ (eat) a lot of curry if you _______ (go) to India.
will eat ; go
If they_______ (go) to Paris, they _________(climb) the Eiffel Tower.
go ; will climb
She_______ (get) a tattoo if he _______ (get) one too.
will get ; gets
The technician _______ (come) tomorrow if you _______ (phone) him.
will come ; phone
If you _______ (ask) her, I'm sure she _________ (help) you.
ask ; will help
I _______ (not/eat) the broccoli if there _______ (be) something else!
won't  eat ; is
_______ (she/be) very tired if she _______ (not/go) to bed early?
Will she be ; doesn't go
If I _______ (drop) my mobile phone, I ________ (be) very annoyed.
drop ; will be
What _______ (you/do) if you _______ (fail) your math exam?
will you do ; fail
If we _______ (arrive) late, the teacher_______ (start) without us.
arrive ; will start
He _______ (get) burnt if he ________ (stay) out in the sun too long.
will get ; stays
Your hands _______ (get) cold if you _________ (not/wear) gloves.
will get ; don't wear
He_______ (not/go) to London if he _______ (get) a job in Valencia.
won't go ; gets
If you_______ (add) some sugar, it ________ (taste) better.
add ; will taste
Mark _______ (go) to your party if you __________ (invite) him.
will go ; invite
If we _______ (not/finish) this work today, we _________ (do) it tomorrow.
don't  finish ; will do
If he _______ (have) enough money, he_________ (get) a new bike next month.
has ; will get
I _______ (feel) very stressed if our teacher ________ (give) us more homework!
will feel ; gives
If it _______ (be) rainy tomorrow, we ____________ (not/go) hiking.
is ; won't go
If you _______ (go) to the café, ____________ (you/get) a coffee for me?
go ; will you get
If Mary_______ (go) to the food market, she _________ (buy) some fresh fruit.
goes ; will buy
If it _______ (snow) at the weekend, I ___________ (make) a snowman.
snows ; will make