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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the meaning for Has a chip on ones shoulder?
the act of holding a grudge or grievance that readily provokes disputation.
He ______________ about not having been to university.
has got a chip on his shoulder
Extremely delighted. What's the idiom?
Tickled pink / tickled to death
What's the meaning of Walking on air / on cloud nine?
Feeling euphoric or elated. / Extremely happy
I was _______________ when I got on the scale and saw how much weight I'd lost.
tickled pink / tickled to death
I was __________ when I heard I'd gotten the promotion, I couldn't believe it.
walking on air / on cloud nine
My kid has been a little ___________ since her best friend moved away.
down in the dumps
I always ___________ when my doctor goes over my lab tests with me.
have a sinking feeling
You wake up in a bad mood. What's the idiom?
Wake up on the wrong side of the bed.
After surgery, I felt _________ from the medication I was given.
zoned out
The movie was so suspenseful, I was ___________ the whole time!
on pins and needles
What's the meaning of don't feel like yourself?
Don't feel as happy, healthy, positive, energetic, motivated, etc. as you normally do.
What's the meaning of bored to death / bored to tears
Extremely bored
What's the meaning of spaced out?
You are not aware of or paying attention to what is happening around you.
What's the meaning of Getting/ having butterflies in your stomach?
Have a nervous, anxious feeling in your stomach.
What's the meaning of locked in / dialed in /in the zone?
In a state of total focus and concentration and doing something at a very high level.
I always _______________ before I give a presentation.
get/ have butterflies in my stomach
We lost power during the hurricane and didn't know how to entertain ourselves. We were ____________.
bored to tears
What's the meaning of hanging your head?
Look ashamed.
Not thinking clearly or paying attention to what is happening because you are drugged, tired
Zoned out
Feel depressed or sad about something that has happened. What's the idiom?
Down in the dumps.
Extremely frightened? What's the idiom?
Scared out your wits/ scared to death/ scared stiff
What's the meaning of scared of your wits/ scared to death/ scared stiff?
Extremely frightened
Don't feel as happy, healthy, positive, energetic, motivated, etc. as you normally do. What's the idiom?
Don't feel like yourself.
In a state of total focus and concentration and doing something at a very high level. What's the idiom?
Locked in/ dialed in/ in the zone