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Must, Have to, Mustn't, Not Have To

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She _______ cook last night because she went to a restaurant.
didn't have to
He's a billionaire. He _______ work.
doesn't have to
The museum is free. You _______ pay.
don't have to
You _______ wear a seatbelt while driving.
must / have to
You ________ stop when the light turns red.
must / have to
She ___________ wear a dress, she can wear a suit if she wants.
doesn't have to
People __________ drive on the right in Spain.
must / have to
Don't worry! You __________ tell me your secret, I don't need to know.
don't have to
You __________ tell anyone my secret. I don't want anyone to know.
He _______ do a lot of homework last weekend.
had to
He __________ leave until he finishes his work.
You ____________ spill liquid on electronic devices.
They _______ go to school yesterday because it was Sunday.
didn't have to
He _________ speak loudly at the cinema.
Mark __________ be rude to the boss or he will lose his job!
He __________ wear a suit and tie at the office, it´s mandatory.
must / has to
She ____________ finish her work today. She can finish it next week.
doesn't have to
You _________ do this job without proper training, it´s illegal.
She ____________ clean her room yesterday before she could go out.
had to
You _______ wear a helmet when you ride a bike.
must / have to
Children ____________ be careful on the internet.
must / have to
You ____________ smoke here. It's forbidden.
He _____________ get to work by 9am.
must / has to
We have casual Friday at the office so we ________ wear smart clothes on that day.
don't have to