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Describing people!

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How is Harry Styles feeling?
He looks surprised.
How is Emma Watson feeling?
He looks excited. He seems happy.
How is Timothée Chalamet feeling?
He looks angry. He seems ready for a challenge
How is Angelina feeling?
She looks sad. She seems concerned.
What could you say about the Joker's personality?
He is crazy. He is a psychopath. He is antisocial.
How is Zendaya feeling?
She looks happy. She seems shy.
Describe Antonio Bandera's appearance
He's got dark, wavy hair. He's got a moustache/goatee
Describe Anne Hathaway's appearance
She's bald. She's got a big mouth and sharp teeth. She's got brown eyes.
Describe Eminem's appearance
He's got short, blonde hair. He's got blue eyes.
Describe Lady Gaga's appearance
She's got long, straight, blonde hair. She's got green eyes.
Describe Mark Ruffalo's appearance
He's got short dark hair and a beard. He's got brown eyes.
Describe Dua Lipa's appearance
She's got long, straight, dark and blonde hair. She's got brown eyes.
Describe Thor's appearance
He's got long, straight, blonde hair and a beard. He's got blue eyes.
Describe Miley's appearance
She's got long, wavy, blonde hair. She's got blue eyes.