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Name the ABCs

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Animal and Verb
Zebra, Zip
Verb, Color and Animal
Yawn, Yellow, Yak
Number ending with x
Verb, Fruit and Animal
Walk/Wash, Watermelon, Walrus
Verb, Animal and Vehicle
Visit, Vulture, Van
State and Verb
Utah, Upset
Verb, Name and Animal
Talk, Ted, Tiger
Fruit, Animal and Verb
Strawberry, Snake, Sleep
Sport, Name and Animal
Racing, Robert, Raccoon
Food, Fruit and Animal
Pie, Peach/Pineapple, Panda
State, Animal and Fruit
Ohio, Octupus, Orange
Food, Verb and State
Nachos, Nag, New Mexico
Fruit, State and Verb
Mango, Montana, Move
Animal, Verb and Food
Lion/Lamb, Laugh, Lemon
Toy, Animal and Name
Kite, Kangaroo, Karen
Animal, Name and Food
Jellyfish, Jerry, Jello
Animal, State and Color
Iguana, Iowa, Ivory
Letter, Tool and Sport
Horse, Hammer, Hike
Color, Nam and Animal
Grey, Gary, Goat
Verb, Sport and Animal
Fall, Football, Fox/Fish
Animal, Verb and Name
Elephant, Eat, Eli
State, Animal and Verb
Delaware, Dolphin, Dunk
State, Animal and Verb
Colorado, Crocodile, Catch
Sport, Name and Animal
Basketball , Bobby , Beaver
State and Name
Alabama, Albert