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[EN-VN] Animals - Động vật

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What animal is it?
It's a zebra! - /ˈzibrə/ - ngựa vằn
What animal is it?
It's a wolf! - /wʊlf/ - sói
What animal is it?
It's a tiger! - /ˈtaɪgər/ - hổ
What animal is it?
It's a swan! - /swɑn/ - thiên nga
What animal is it?
It's a squirrel! - /ˈskwərəl/ - sóc
What animal is it?
It's a snake! - /sneɪk/ - rắn
What animal is it?
It's a sloth! - /sloʊθ/ - lười
What animal is it?
It's a sheep! - /ʃip/ - cừu
What animal is it?
It's a rhino! - /ˈraɪˌnoʊ/ - tê giác
What animal is it?
It's a raccoon! - /ræˈkun/ - gấu mèo
What animal is it?
It's a rabbit! - /ˈræbət/ - thỏ
What animal is it?
It's a polar bear! - /ˈpoʊlər/ /bɛr/ - gấu bắc cực
What animal is it?
It's a pig! - /pɪg/ - heo
What animal is it?
It's a penguin! - /ˈpɛŋgwən/ - cánh cụt
What animal is it?
It's a peacock! - /ˈpiˌkɑk/ - công
What animal is it?
It's a parrot! - /ˈpɛrət/ - vẹt
What animal is it?
It's a panda! - /ˈpændə/ - gấu trúc
What animal is it?
It's an owl! - /aʊl/ - cú
What animal is it?
It's an ostrich! - /ˈɔstrɪʧ/ - đà điểu
What animal is it?
It's a mouse! - /maʊs/ - chuột
What animal is it?
It's a monkey! - /ˈmʌŋki/ - khỉ
What animal is it?
It's a llama! - /ˈlɑmə/ - lạc đà không bướu
What animal is it?
It's a lion! - /ˈlaɪən/ - sư tử
What animal is it?
It's a leopard! - /ˈlɛpərd/ - báo hoa mai
What animal is it?
It's a koala! - /koʊˈɑlə/ - gấu túi
What animal is it?
It's a kangaroo! - /ˌkæŋgəˈru/ - chuột túi
What animal is it?
It's a horse! - /hɔrs/ - ngựa
What animal is it?
It's a hippo! - /ˈhɪpoʊ/ - hà mã
What animal is it?
It's a hamster! - /ˈhæmstər/ - chuột lang
What animal is it?
It's a goat! - /goʊt/ - dê
What animal is it?
It's a giraffe! - /ʤəˈræf/ - hươu cao cổ
What animal is it?
It's a frog! - /frɑg/ - ếch
What animal is it?
It's a fox! - /fɑks/ - cáo
What animal is it?
It's an elephant! - /ˈɛləfənt/ - vọi
What animal is it?
It's an eagle! - /ˈigəl/ - đại bàng
What animal is it?
It's a duck! - /dʌk/ - vịt
What animal is it?
It's a donkey! - /ˈdɑŋki/ - lừa
What animal is it?
It's a dog! - /dɔg/ - chó
What animal is it?
It's a deer! - /dɪr/ - hươu
What animal is it?
It's a crocodile! - /ˈkrɑkəˌdaɪl/ - cá sấu
What animal is it?
It's a cow! - /kaʊ/ - bò
What animal is it?
It's a chicken! - /ˈʧɪkən/ - gà
What animal is it?
It's a cheetah! - /ˈʧitə/ - báo săn
What animal is it?
It's a cat! - /kæt/ - mèo
What animal is it?
It's a camel! - /ˈkæməl/ - lạc đà có bướu
What animal is it?
It's a buffalo! - /ˈbʌfəˌloʊ/ - trâu
What animal is it?
It's a bear! - /bɛr/ - gấu