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Organs and Function

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is 'hệ xương' in English?
Skeletal system
What is 'hệ cơ' in English?
Muscle system
What is 'hệ hô hấp' in English?
Respiratory system
What is 'hệ sinh sản' in English?
Reproductive system
What is 'hệ tuần hoàn' in English?
Circulatory system
What is 'hệ tiêu hóa' in English?
Digestive system
What is 'hệ thần kinh' in English?
Nervous system
What is 'hệ bài tiết' in English?
Excretory system
What is the function of small intestine?
Digests food
What is the function of bladder?
Stores urine
What is the function of eyes?
Let us see
What is the function of female reproductive system?
What is the function of large intestine?
Absorbs water
What is the function of kidneys?
cleans blood
What is the function of pancreas?
Helps the liver
What is the function of stomach?
Breaks down food
What is the function of brain?
Controls the body thinking
What is the function of lungs?
What is the function of heart?
Muscle and pumps blood around the body
What is the function of liver?
Cleans blood and makes many important chemicals