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3º ESO Collective Baamboozle - units 1&2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This means the music of a film. What is it?
the soundtrack
You wear these on your feet in the summer. They are similar to sandals. What are they?
Flip flops
In this sport, you hit a ball over a net with your hands. What is it?
This accessory keeps your neck warm. What is it?
A scarf
You play football here. What is it?
a (football) pitch
You keep your cash and credit cards in it. What is it?
a wallet / a purse
You wear it at the top of your trousers so they don't fall down. What is it?
a belt
Extra points! Say a sentence about the picture.
For example, "The girls are riding bikes." (Accept any correct sentence)
Extra points! Say a sentence about the picture.
For example, "The baby is wearing a hat." (Accept any correct sentence)
Extra points! Say a sentence about the picture.
For example, "The boy is eating pizza." (Accept any correct sentence)
Complete the sentence: I ___________ (not understand) you. Can you speak more slowly?
I don't / do not understand you. Can you speak more slowly?
Choose the correct verb: PLAY / GO / DO skateboarding
go skateboarding
Name a sport you play on a court
for example: tennis, basketball, volleyball
Complete the sentence: I've got _________________ clocks. A / AN / A LOT OF / MUCH
I've got A LOT OF clocks
These actors have got the biggest parts in a film
The lead roles
A ______ hasn't got the biggest part in a film.
supporting actor
What do girls sometimes wear on their feet but not boys?
High heels
These shoes are too small. I need a bigger _________.
size / pair
What are the clothes of the uniform? A red __________ and black ________ or ________
A red sweater and black jeans or leggings
Which is a kind of equipment used in sport? Lifeguard / Goggles / Golf / Goalkeeper
Translate this word: el argumento (de una película)
the plot
Make a sentence in the present continuous: The girl / write / a book / at the moment
The girl is writing a book at the moment.
I wear these on my eyes when I go swimming.
Complete the question: How _____ people are there in the shop?